Not just train and evaluate.
You can design neural networks with fast and intuitive GUI.
Not just train and evaluate.
You can design neural networks with fast and intuitive GUI.
Use a rich variety of neural network layers to design your cutting-edge network.
A comfortable UI will help you implement new ideas instantly.
Tired of fine-tuning your network by hand?
Neural Network Console can automatically search for a lightweight,
high-performance neural network structure for you.
After designing a network, training the network using our Neural Network Libraries is a simple click away.
View the progress and performance in real time.
* The Neural Network Libraries are the core libraries of the Neural Network Console.
Browse your history of the neural networks you have trained.
View the performance of each network at a glance.
Implement on your web browser with rich resources on the cloud.
Implement in your local environments by installing on your Windows PC.
We prepared the documents to guide your usage of Neural Network Console.We hope these help you better understand Neural Network Console.
We provided answers to frequently asked questions to help you with your troubles.
Get help from other users and our staff on your questions about Neural Network Console.
The ultimate tool for deep learning developers.
Our tool provides an elegant user interface to design,
train and evaluate neural network models.
Deep learning technologies deserve to
be used in practice more widely.
This has been our anticipation since 2010,
when we have started research
and development involving deep learning,
and continued to see its powers since then.
"Neural Network Console" lets you design, train, and evaluate your neural networks in a refined user interface.
"Neural Network Libraries" provides the developers with deep learning techniques developed by Sony.
Kobayashi, a researcher
at Sony who has performed research and development on deep learning, speaks about these two projects, their development hitsory, and its implications.
The core libraries used in
the Neural Network Console
is also available as open source software.
The Cloud version does not support Internet Explorer.
Please open with Google Chrome or download the Windows version in here.
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